gourmet organic seed garlic

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Weakly Bolting Hardneck Garlic Varieties

Thai garlic bulbs

Recent changes in the understanding of the relationships between different garlics has led to there being five more varieties than there were when this website was first set up. Weakly bolting harnecks varieties are Asiatic, Creole and Turban (sub-species Allium sativum ophioscorodon). Many of the strains of garlic came to us without classification information and so we have made a best guess as to the variety when we could.

A  weakly bolting hardneck is a garlic that may have a stalk that is less woody than the standard hardnecks or may not have a stalk, depending on conditions. A single bed will often have bulbs with and without stalks. Where we have observed this behaviour and are not sure of the classification we have simply labelled the garlic strain as a weakly bolting hardneck.

Creoles are very small intensely flavoured garlis. Asiatics have a long beak on the umbel of the bulbil capsule and a few large bulbils. Turban garlics have many small bulbils.

For more discussion of garlic varieties see the introduction on our garlic varieties page and the article on the Garlic Family Tree by Bob Anderson of the Gourmet Garlic Gardens.

See Henry's 2017 pictures of his spring planted Creoles.


Weakly Bolting Hardneck Varieties - these are the strains we grew in 2019

Henry and Sonia have retired

After growing and selling seed garlic for 17 years Henry and Sonia have retired. This website will remain open as an information resource.

Garlic Varieties

Garlic Family Tree
For more information on the relationships between the garlic varieties see Bob Anderson’s The Garlic Family Tree and Where Garlic Came From from the Gourmet Garlic Gardens website.
Artichoke Garlic - Organic Seed

Ajo Rojo

Ajo Rojo is a prized Creole garlic. It has a gentle, subtle flavour. Creoles are naturally small and we are far north of their habitat.


Artichoke Garlic - Organic Seed


A rare Creole garlic. Creoles are naturally small and we are far north of their habitat and so the Burgundy bulbs are tiny. However, they make up for their size with their wonderful, intense flavour. From Al picketts of Eureka Garlic on Prince Edward Island. Burgundy is listed in the Seeds of Diversity Canada catalogue of heritage varieties.


Artichoke Garlic - Organic Seed

Creole Red

A recently acquired Creole garlic. Creole Red has a bold taste with a good garlicky flavour. Creoles are naturally small and we are far north of their habitat.


Artichoke Garlic - Organic Seed


Japanese is an early Asiatic with a pleasant, lingering taste and some subtlety.


Artichoke Garlic - Organic Seed

Rose de Lautrec

This is the famous pink garlic from France. There is a difference of opinion as to which variety it belongs to. We consider our Rose de Lautrec to be a Creole. A gift from Golden Acres Farm.


Artichoke Garlic - Organic Seed


Thai has a delightful, delicate, distinctive flavour. It is a weakly bolting hardneck, an early garlic with small bulbs. Thai is listed In the Seeds of Diversity Canada catalogue of heritage varieties. It is an early garlic and is probably a Turban.


Artichoke Garlic - Organic Seed Tibetan

Tibetan is one of our hottest garlics. It has beautiful white satin wrappers. Tibetan is a  late garlic, being harvested several weeks after the main harvest.

Note on Flavours
Please take our comments on flavour with a generous pinch of salt. The apparent strength and flavour of a strain of garlic is an individual perception. Different people under the same circumstances can have diametrically opposed views on the palatability and heat of a strain of garlic.

Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed in BC