gourmet organic seed garlic

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Rocambole Garlic Varieties

Rocambole Garlic - Spanish Roja
Rocambole garlic


Rocambole garlics are well known for their wonderful, robust, well-rounded, true-garlic flavour. They have loose skins which make them easy to peel. Bulbs can be large and characteristically have 8 to 12 cloves. Given the right conditions, particularly the right amount of water and enough heat, the varieties we are offering produce superb bulbs. All have reddish brown skins covering the individual cloves. The bulb wrappers often have red, pink or purple stripes when they are first harvested. If the scapes are left on to mature Rocamboles typically produce 10 to 20 good sized bulbils.

If you are interested in propagating from bulbils see our growing Rocamboles from bulbils page.



Rocambole Seed Garlics - these are the strains we grew in 2019      

Henry and Sonia have retired

After growing and selling seed garlic for 17 years Henry and Sonia have retired. This website will remain open as an information resource.


Garlic Varieties

Garlic Family Tree
For more information on the relationships between the garlic varieties see Bob Anderson’s The Garlic Family Tree and Where Garlic Came From from the Gourmet Garlic Gardens website.
Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed

French Rocambole

Sublime flavour and medium heat that lingers. From Al Picketts of Eureka Garlic on Prince Edward Island.


Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed

German Red

This Rocambole has the most typical garlicky flavour imaginable. A robust,complex flavour. Excellent for salad dressings.


Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed

Italian Purple

Another fine Rocambole.


Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed

Newfoundland Heritage

Peter Sobol sent us this heritage garlic from Newfoundland where he says it has been grown for 300 or 400 years. We think it is a Rocambole and like the taste.


Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed

Salt Spring Select

A Rocambole from Salt Spring Seeds in British Columbia via Al Picketts of Eureka Garlic on Prince Edward Island. Salt Spring Select is listed in the Seeds of Diversity Canada catalogue of heritage varieties. It performs very well.


Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed

Spicy Korean Red

A lively Rocambole from Randy White of Mission, B.C. One of Henry's favourites. Performs well.

Note on Flavours
Please take our comments on flavour with a generous pinch of salt. The apparent strength and flavour of a strain of garlic is an individual perception. Different people under the same circumstances can have diametrically opposed views on the palatability and heat of a strain of garlic.

Rocambole Garlic - Organic Seed in BC